Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dr. Phil Show: Young Wives Club - Case in Point

Recently Dr. Phil aired a show (March 17th) called "The Young Wives Club". "How young is too young to tie the knot? Dr. Phil meets three couples in their early 20s who have relationships rocked by betrayals, domestic violence and infidelity." While I didn't see the show (I HATE TELEVISION) I found the link in an online search.

Although there are many great examples of young loving relationships, there are too many examples of immature, selfish relationships. Why would these young people marry when they clearly are not ready... and even worse... why would they bring children into the world!?!?

I found a comment on the show's message board very interesting
Replied By: justmytwocents on Mar 19, 2009, 12:52AM
"I just read the show and my heart is broken for these young men and women. So much has gone wrong and I am glad they are seeking help, that is the first step, so I say smart move on their parts. Being that young and being in a relationship is difficult because for one you have not formed your own identity yet, it is wrapped up all into another person. What I mean to say is that you did not have a chance to figure out who you were before you committed your heart and your life to another person, so you came to the relationship not quite whole emotionally. And it isn't that you did anything wrong, its just that when you are older (say over 30) which really isn't all that old, but my point is to say that when you are older you realize that when you were in your teens and late 20's that you really weren't all that mature. It's just something that we all realize about ourselves, so don't think I am picking on any of you."


1 comment:

  1. The dumbest article I have ever read! Marrying young has nothing to do with it, marrying and making well thought out decisions outside of emotional influence has everything to do with it.
    What kind of person are you marrying?
    What kind of charichter? Values, morals, doe he/she lie? Steal? Keep secrets?
    Uh, why do I bother, you obviously are too stupid to get it.
