Monday, August 10, 2009

More Evangelicals Promoting Young Marriage

Christianity Today ran a cover story this month titled “The Case for Early Marriage". Sociologist Mark Regnerus argues that while abstinence is the only acceptable option for young people, it is creating a dilemma when coupled with the fact that people are waiting longer to get married. The article's solution... young people should just get married at an earlier age. BRILLIANT!
Glamor Magazine also recently posted a blog on this topic - At What Age Do You Want to Get Married? This topic is central to the pressure that women feel as they approach and turn 3o. Marriage age is this magical number that we carried around in our mind as children... The author notes, "When I was younger, I always assumed I'd get hitched at 29. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's because that's how old my mom was when she married my dad. (He, by the way, was 27). In my young adult brain, 29 just seemed to be that age when you were supposed to have your sh*t together. Of course, in the past few years, I've had friends tie the knot at 22 and others wait until they were in their 30s. Most of my friends in the Midwest (where I'm from), it seems tend to walk down the aisle on the early side, while many of my NYC friends are happily approaching my magic marriage age 100-percent single."
My experience has been that even women in Southern California feel this pressure when they hit the three decade mark. I can't imagine what it's like in a small town in Nebraska!
One readers comment...
"I live in the south, and needless to say, at 22, all of my friends are married/engaged. I'm starting to feel the pressure, and my love life is non-existent! I want more than anything to be married, and I'm so scared that its never going to happen. All of my (married) friends are like, "Oh, don't worry, of course it will!" But they have no idea what its like. Jokingly, Ive always said if I'm not married in 10-15 years, (LOL) I am taking my father (who is a priest) and my Best Friend, finding a wedding dress and a bridesmaids dress for her, and going to New York to find me a husband! I can imagine us going down the streets, my dad with his bible and rings in hand, and my friend and I pleading with random strangers. LOL"
Well, that's one solution!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

MTV's Engaged & Underage

As my friends know, I don't watch TV. There are many reasons for this, one of which is the fact that 99% of it crap.
Case in point... MTV's show, Engaged and Underage. Why are we enamored with the drama of others? This is a sad state of affairs...

Need I say more?

Ready for more misery? MTV lets you watch full episodes at