Friday, February 27, 2009

Federally funded ad campaign promotes marriage to an under 30 crowd

The U.S. government is launching a $5 million media campaign touting the healthy benefits of marriage. Ads will begin running on Facebook, Myspace and YouTube this month, targeting 18-to 30-year-old singles, claiming marriage leads to greater wealth, better health and more happiness.

I find it ridiculous that in times of economic meltdown the government is spending $5 million to promote marriage to a young audience. I could think of a million place this money could be better spent! How about the government spends $5 million on sex education to help reduce the number of teen pregnancies?!?!

Marriage is a very personal issue and should only be considered when one is well into adult-hood, which for most is well into their twenties and even thirties in this day and age. We are sending the wrong message here! Plus, an ad on Myspace isn’t going to encourage someone to tie the knot.

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